American Bodywork and Massage Professionals Training, 2015
Teaching Interviewing Skills in the Student Clinic
Reducing Test Anxiety in Students
Teaching Palpation Effectively
Teaching Body Mechanics
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Survivor Bereavement Support Group Facilitator Training, 2016
Talk Saves Lives, 2017
Angel Fish Academy
Intuitive Life Coaching Certification, 2023
Barral Institute 2012-2014
Visceral Manipulation 1: Abdomen
Visceral Manipulation 2: Abdomen
Visceral Manipulation 3: Thorax
Visceral Manipulation 4: Pelvis
California Institute for Human Science, Mind Body Spirit University
"Foundations in Shamanism" Certificate of Completion, 2022
Crime Violence and Mental Illness Regional Conference, 2015 Prescription Drugs, Substance Abuse, and Violent Offenses
Student Violence on College Campuses
Down Dog Yoga Studio 2005-2006
200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
40 Hour Art of Assisting Program
Edgar Cayce ARE
Past Life Regression Hypnosis with Peter Woodbury, October 2019
Life Coaching, 2020
Kundalini Research Institute, 2015
200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
Internal Family Systems Level One, 2021
MA Method
Interactive teaching Skills for Medical Educators, 2015
Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Victim Advocacy Training, 2017
The Neurobiology of Trauma, October 2016
Title IX Campus Training, 2015, 2016
SAAM Training and Activism Day, 2015
Mediumship with Psychic Medium Erica Marks 2019
National Council for Behavioral Health
Mental Health First Aid Instructor 2014
Pro-Healing Seminars,2013
Opening the Shoulders with Qi Gong
Somatic Freedom Technique for the Shoulders
Introduction to Somatic Freedom Technique
Tai Sophia Institute
East Meets West The Art of Coaching Workshop, 2007
Creative Leadership Program, 2009
The Point, Massage Therapy Instructor Training, 2014
Designing and Presenting a Lesson
Teaching Selected Classes
Teaching Students with Special Needs
Classroom Management
Motivation and Inspiration
Instructional Methods
How People Learn; Theories and Techniques
Massage Student and Body-Centered Education
You the Instructor
The Thai Healing Institute 2007-2009
Basic Thai Massage
Intermediate Thai Massage
Herbal Thia Massage
Advanced Thai Massage with Pierce Salguero
Yoga Teacher Training With Shiva Rae at Kripalu Center, 2006
Pathways of the Flow
Energetic Alignment